Summer Classic

Youth Summer Classic - August 8 - August 10, 2025

***As of 3/18/25 PeeWee goalies are full.

***As of 3/22/25 Squirt goalies are full.

Please email to be added to the waitlist.**

The Youth Summer Classic is a summer tournament which players sign up for individually. We will place players on teams and each team will be as equal as possible based on the information collected for each player. 

New this year, we will also be using available stat data from player's previous season to make for more competitively matched games.

Each team will consist of 4-6 defenseman, 6-9 forwards, and 1-2 goalies. Team rosters will be posted at least one week before the tournament.

All teams will be guaranteed 3 games.

Age Divisions

Squirt/10U 1/1/2015 - 12/31/2017 

PeeWee/12U 1/1/2013 - 12/31/2014

Bantam/14U 1/1/2011-12/31/2012

BANTAMS will play during the Adult Weekend AUG 2-3, 2025

Fees (includes jersey): $50

Registration with close July 19, 2025 or when tournaments reaches max capacity, whichever comes first.

Under normal circumstances, we are unable to honor team placement requests. If you have any questions, please email us.

Adult Summer Classic - August 1 - August 3, 2025

The Adult Summer Classic is a summer tournament which players sign up for individually. Team Captains will select players at a draft party on Friday, August 1, 7pm at The MARC in Merrill. After the draft, hit the ice with your teammates to "knock the rust off." Skating is available to all adult players until 10pm.

**New this year, after your games on Saturday be sure to enjoy music and refreshments at the MARC as you watch the other teams compete.

Each team will consist of 4-6 defenseman, 6-9 forwards, and 1-2 goalies. Schedules will be posted at least one week before the tournament.

All teams will be guaranteed 3 games.

Fees (includes jersey): $50

Registration will close July 19, 2025.

Interested in seeing your logo on an Adult team jersey or just want to be a team captain? Email us about team sponsorship opportunities.

Questions? Please email


2025 Summer Classic Registration is open! 

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