
Referee Scheduler

Bryan Schroder

Referee Scheduler


Referee Schedule

Fri 12/13/2024 PeeWee Tournament

5:00 PM Ryan Berdal JJ Berdal

6:30 PM Ryan Berdal JJ Berdal

8:00 PM Ryker Chase

Sat 12/14/2024 PeeWee Tournament

8:00 AM Connor Brody

9:30 AM Connor Parker

11:00 AM Brody Parker

12:30 PM Reece Z. Liam

2:00 PM Reece Z. Liam

3:30 PM Reece Z. Trenton

5:00 PM Joe Schneider Trenton

6:30 PM Joe Schneider Jack

8:00 PM Joe Schneider Bill

Sun 12/15/2024 PeeWee Tournament

8:00 AM Connor Ryker

9:30 AM Connor Liam

11:00 AM Parker Ryker

12:30 PM Greg Parker

2:00 PM Greg Brody

3:30 PM Greg Liam

Expectations of Officials

As an On-Ice Official

You are expected to conduct yourself professionally at all times on the ice and off the ice at the rink.

You are expected to be at the rink 30 minutes prior to your scheduled game time. Warm-ups begin five minutes prior to the scheduled start time.

Two officials must be on the ice prior to pre-game warmups.

You are entrusted with enforcement of USA Hockey rules and guidelines.

You are entrusted with punctual game time starts. Games may start 15 minutes prior to their scheduled times.

You are entrusted with game time management based on other influences. ex. Run-time

You are in charge of game time starts and ensuring you communicate game times if they vary from scheduled start times.

You are expected to tip nets between games after signing your scoresheet or pushing nets to the resurfacing access doors after the last game of the day.

You must notify MYHA of any incident and game reports within 24 hours.

Incident/Game Reports

If an official has to file an incident report or game report, please contact Bryan. MYHA doesn't ask for a copy of the report, but wants to be notified. Remember, you have 24 hrs to file the report. If you need instructions on how to file, go to link on the right - instructions are in the officials' section for incident/game reporting. Please contact Bryan if you are unsure of how to file the report.

2022-23 Officiating Pay Scale

Level 1 Level 2 or Higher
Squirt $30 $35
PeeWee $35 $40
Bantam $40 $45

3 Official

Referee Linesman
Squirt $30 $20
Bantam $40 $30
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